Bev Janisch

How Meditation Enriched By The Enneagram Can Help You Flourish

Meditation And The Enneagram To Help You Flourish

How Meditation Enriched By The Enneagram Can Help You Flourish

For folks in pursuit of inner peace and well-being, the practice of meditation enriched with Enneagram wisdom has emerged as a powerful combination. 

Meditation, with its roots in ancient practices, offers a pathway to inner peace and clarity. On the other hand, the Enneagram, a personality typing system, provides profound insights into our motivations, fears, and behaviors. Together, they form a synergistic approach that can significantly enhance our journey towards living with greater ease.

At its core, meditation is a practice that cultivates mindfulness and presence. By quieting our minds and turning inward, we can observe our thoughts and emotions without judgment. This introspective process allows for greater self-understanding and emotional regulation, leading to reduced stress and increased well-being. However, when meditation is infused with Enneagram wisdom, its benefits are further amplified.

When combined with meditation, Enneagram insights become integrated into our daily lives on a profound level. Meditation acts as a catalyst for self-reflection, allowing us to explore our Enneagram type with heightened clarity. Through regular practice, we become more attuned to our thoughts, emotions, and behavioral patterns, noticing how they align. Self-awareness becomes our superpower!

Meditation provides a space for inner work and transformation and as we delve deeper into our Enneagram type, we uncover layers of conditioning and limiting beliefs that may have held us back.

Through mindfulness and self-compassion, we can gently unravel these patterns, releasing the grip they have on our lives. This process of self-discovery and freedom from our habitual ways of being paves the way for personal growth and living a vital, connected and meaningful life.

The Enneagram of personality came into my life a number of years ago. Having practiced meditation daily for many years, I began to sense that there was something I was missing. We can meditate for hours or sit in a silent retreat for a month, and we won’t be able to look inside ourselves and see our evolutionary path. Who am I meant to become? What is holding me back from becoming it? What does my future best self look like? The wisdom contained in the Enneagram map answered all these questions for me. I learned that meditation and mindfulness are powerful and valuable practices that aren’t meant to stand alone. They’ll only take us so far on our self-discovery journey.

While most people have heard about meditation, many folks haven’t heard about the Enneagram of personality so I’m going to share more about it here. 

More about the Enneagram of personality

Meditation And The Enneagram To Help You Flourish

The Enneagram offers a unique lens through which to understand ourselves and others. It delineates nine distinct personality types, each with its own set of core motivations, fears, and coping mechanisms.

By identifying our Enneagram type, we gain valuable insights into our unconscious patterns and tendencies. This awareness not only deepens our understanding of ourselves but also fosters empathy and compassion towards others. 

Knowing our Enneagram personality type allows us to structure our meditation, mindfulness, and inner growth practices to meet our unique needs.

According to the Enneagram, we have three centres of intelligence: the head, the heart, and the body. Depending on your centre of intelligence, you may benefit from a different type of meditation practice. For example, a head type needs silence, a heart type needs solitude, and a body type needs stillness. 

If you are curious, you can take the free Riso & Hudson Enneagram Personality (RHETI) sampler test. Please note that it is only a sampler meant to spark your curiosity. Understanding ourselves and using the Enneagram as a tool for growth is a life-long journey.

As we look to the future and how people can flourish as spiritual beings living stressful human lives, the combination of meditation enriched with Enneagram wisdom offers a powerful pathway to freedom from the confining nature of our personality structure.

By integrating mindfulness with self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and self-acceptance, this synergistic approach enables profound personal growth and transformation. 

As we deepen our understanding of ourselves through the Enneagram lens and cultivate presence through meditation, we unlock the door to a life of greater meaning, fulfillment, and joy.

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About Bev

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Bev Janisch is a former nurse turned certified meditation teacher and mindfulness coach. In 2014, she founded The Compassionate Mind and has taught hundreds of people how to establish simple yet transformative practices. Bev is the author of Awakening a Woman’s Soul: The Power of Meditation and Mindfulness To Transform Your Life. Bev is passionate about empowering people with the tools and knowledge to live with less stress and greater ease.