Bev Janisch

My Latest Book

My latest book

Awakening a Woman's Soul: The Power of Meditation and Mindfulness to Transform Your Life

An inspiring book that empowers women to come home to themselves and a life that aligns with their souls.

Awakening a Woman's Soul: The Power of Meditation and Mindfulness to Transform Your Life

What women are saying...

A must ready for every woman!

This is one of the most amazing books I have ever read and believe every woman would benefit greatly from reading it! The author touches the core, soul and issues that many women experience and writes in such a way that u feel immediate validation and I believe will set one on a new soul searching journey.

Great Book!

The book is easy to read and so relevant for women of every age. We all get lost in our busy lives and this book will help you put “you” back into your life. Full of great advice. Highly recommend!

VERY helpful and uplifting read!

Bev leads her readers through her personal journey or “awakening” and brings us along to explore the transformational experiences which she found in meditation, mindfulness and wisdom (“spirit”) teachings/practices. The invitation is there for each of us to “bring your life back into alignment with the needs of your soul.”

Inspirational and a guide to help you reconnect with your soul’s purpose.

Ladies, if you want to read one book that will change your life forever, this is absolutely the one!! Bev courageously shares her own journey of how she was able to transform her life to be filled with meaning and purpose, which she felt she had lost along the way. She shares her real life struggles and experiences, and then gives you tools that will help you reconnect with your soul and live the life you were meant to live, and not the one that others expect you to live.

Finally, a clear way forward.

By the brave act of laying out her own painful, highly relatable journey on paper, the author has given me a tangible picture of how the journey to wholeness begins and unfolds, and why it’s worth the work. Thank you, Bev, for your willingness to be vulnerable. Any woman lost in the dark woods and unsure of how to proceed MUST read this book. Take it from a fellow, currently lost soul looking for a way through—you WILL find hope here.

This book can change your life.

This is a book for uncovering truths in a wonderful, gentle way. I was feeling stuck in my life. I was at a crossroads and very uncertain about my direction and this book became my road map! I will read it many times and highly recommend it to everyone. The author weaves her own story throughout in such a great way it left me leaning in wanting to learn more. She is all of us, what she went through is what we all go through. The information she shares of how to get out of the slump, the lost zone, is invaluable for life. 

Get your copy of Awakening A Woman's Soul

more about

Awakening A Woman's Soul

On the outside, Bev Janisch seemed to have it all...

Financial security, happy adult children, and happy marriage – yet, on the inside, there loomed a nagging dissatisfaction layered with confusion about what was missing in the beautiful life she and her husband had created. It took scaling the heights of Mount Kilimanjaro to realize that her happiness would only be found by going deeper rather than higher.

Awakening a Woman’s Soul explores the modern-day woman’s battle with soul hunger. Soul hunger is a deep inner longing for things to change. Our souls call for a shift from living a life based on how we should be and what we should do to how we are meant to be and who we are meant to become.

In Awakening a Woman’s Soul, Bev explores her journey of transformation and the mindfulness and meditation practices that help us deepen our relationship with our souls. Our souls thrive on space, creativity, self-expression, freedom, connection, expansion, growth, love, nature, presence, forgiveness, and self-compassion. It’s time for women to awaken and listen to the longings of our souls.

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Inspiring women to discover and become their true selves.

  • The importance of balancing your roles (wife, mother, friend, sister, employee) with the needs of your soul.
  • The hidden misbeliefs about being a “good” woman that impact your health, relationships and sense of life purpose.
  • Key meditation and mindfulness practices from a variety of traditions to nourish your body-mind-soul.
  • How to make sense of “soul hunger” and the feeling that something is missing.
  • How to use your relationships as a source of personal and spiritual growth that are in service of your soul.
  • Ways to develop a deeper connection with your soul and live in alignment with your authentic self.

About The Author

Nice to meet you!

Bev Janisch is a former nurse turned certified meditation teacher, integral coach and Enneagram guide. In 2014, she founded The Compassionate Mind and has taught hundreds of people how to establish simple yet transformative practices.  Through teaching, coaching and writing Bev is passionate about empowering people with the tools and knowledge to live vibrant, connected and meaningful lives.

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