The compassionate mind

About Us

Bev Janisch

Bev Janisch, the founder of The Compassionate Mind, is passionate about awakening inner peace and well-being through holistic approaches to meditation and mindfulness.

Bev’s a certified meditation and mindfulness teacher, integral coach, Enneagram practitioner and author of Awakening a Woman’s Soul: The Power of Meditation and Mindfulness to Transform Your Life.

TCM’s core belief is that people become happier and healthier when they shift their relationship with stress and start nourishing their bodies, minds and souls with simple yet transformative practices. 

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Aligning acquired expertise with soulful purpose

As a master’s prepared nurse, Bev worked for 30 years as a Clinical Nurse Specialist with vulnerable seniors and in palliative and end-of-life care. Her vision has always been to support health and healing from a holistic perspective that empowers people to awaken their body’s innate capacity to heal and flourish. 

In 2014, Bev founded The Compassionate Mind to offer practical and holistic approaches to meditation and mindfulness through workshops, coaching, and speaking to support human resilience and flourishing.

Bev Janisch

My personal story

Like many folks, what brought me to meditation and mindfulness was a desire to alleviate my stress, disconnect and struggle, that were impacting my physical, mental and spiritual health.

Several years after leaving nursing, I found myself in 2012 standing on top of Mount Kilimanjaro, one of the highest peaks in the world, and I had never been lower.

On the outside, it looked like I was successful, happily married, and cheerful, but on the inside, I was struggling and disconnected from myself. I had no idea who I was anymore.

I felt stressed, confused, and stuck.

I had been so busy on life’s treadmill and fulfilling all my roles that I had lost touch with myself. My physical and emotional health suffered, and my life lacked meaning and purpose.

This began a self-discovery journey to live with a more profound sense of happiness, health, and connection with myself, others, and life’s mysteries.

My meditation and mindfulness journey began a decade ago, exploring its ancient roots and modern research. Starting with 5 minutes daily, I began to come home to myself and improved my health, relationships and sense of purpose.

Holistic meditation and mindfulness practices changed my life, and I’m passionate about sharing them with others.

After a decade of practice and researching meditation, mindfulness, psychology, wisdom teachings, mind-body medicine, and the Enneagram of personality, I developed the 4 Practice Pillars For Awakening Inner Peace framework to provide a map for people on a self-discovery journey who want to live with greater ease and well-being.

I invite you to visit my personal website, where I share my blog with reflections, inspiration, and resources for cultivating greater inner peace.

  • 1984 Bachelor of Science in Nursing, University of Alberta
  • 1993 Masters of Nursing, University of Calgary
  • 2014 Certified Meditation and Mindfulness Instructor, McLean Meditation Institute
  • 2014 The Power of Mindfulness with Jack Kornfield, nicabm
  • 2017 Co-active Communication, Mindfulness Coaching School
  • 2018 Deep Coaching Intensive, Center for Transformational Coaching
  • 2019 Usui/Holy Fire 11 Reiki
  • 2020 Integral Associate Coach™, Integral Coaching Canada Inc.
  • 2020 Integral Coaching & the Enneagram: Soul-Building & Contribution, Russ Hudson and James Flaherty
  • 2020 Own The Shadow of Your Enneagram Personality Type, Beatrice Chestnut
  • 2021 Developing Powerful Enneagram Skills, Chestnut Paes Enneagram Academy
  • 2021 Intensive 1/2, The Narrative Enneagram
  • 2021 Instincts & Subtypes, The Narrative Enneagram
  • 2021 The Typing Process, The Narrative Enneagram
  • 2021 Providing Effective Enneagram Solutions, Chestnut Paes Enneagram Academy
  • 2022 Deepening Spiritual Awareness, The Narrative Enneagram
  • 2022 The Enneagram For Therapists, Counselors, and Coaches, The Narrative Enneagram
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mclean meditation institute
integral associate coach

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